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Recherches arithmétiques Par Karl Friedrich Gauss

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Forum Emploi Maths


L'Agence pour les Mathématiques en Interaction avec l'Entreprise et la Société , la Société Française de Statistique etla Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles co-organisent, le vendredi 6 décembre 2013, le 3e Forum Emploi Mathématiques (FEM).

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Le prix Gabrielle Sand a été décerné à Frédéric Klopp

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Le prix Leconte a été décerné à Zoe Chatzidakis

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Le grand prix Jacques Herbrand a été décerné à David Hernandez

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Mathématiques faciles


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Séminaire Statistique Sherbrooke Université de Sherbrooke, Faculté des sciences, local D4-2019

"9 septembre 2013 - 15:30

Séminaire Statistique Sherbrooke
Université de Sherbrooke, Faculté des sciences, local D4-2019

Bayesian nonparametric density estimation under length bias sampling

Theodoros Nicoleris, University of teh Aegean, Grèce


A new density estimation method in a Bayesian nonparametric framework is presented when recorded data are not coming directly from the distribution of interest, but from a length biased version. From a Bayesian perspective, efforts to computationally evaluate posterior quantities conditionally on length biased data were hindered by the inability to circumvent the problem of a normalizing constant. In this talk a novel Bayesian nonparametric approach to the length bias sampling problem is presented which circumvents the issue of the normalizing constant. Numerical illustrations as well as a real data example are presented and the estimator is compared against its frequentist counterpart, the kernel density estimator for indirect data. 

Exposé en français. Travail conjoint avec : a) S.J. Hatjispyros, University of the Aegean, Grèce b) Stephen Walker, University of Texas at Austin, États-Unis"

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Recent progress in the theory of Painlevé equations

Recent progress in the theory of Painlevé equations

IRMA, 4-8 November 2013


"This conference takes place in the framework of a French-Japanese joint project. The subject of Painlevé equations is the core of our project, which builds on five active research fields, all related to the Painlevé equations :

the Riemann-Hilbert problem, isomonodromic deformations moduli spaces of connections, rigid systems differential and difference Galois theory asymptotic analysis of Painlevé equations discrete Painlevé equations, applications to physics

One day of this conference will be held in honour of Claude Mitschi (IRMA Strasbourg). A second day of this conference will be dedicated to Reinhard Schäfke (IRMA Strasbourg) on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

Invited speakers

  • BOALCH Philip Paris (France)
  • CASALE Guy Rennes (France) to be confirmed
  • COREL Eduardo Göttingen (Germany)
  • DUBROVIN Boris Triest (Italy) to be confirmed
  • FILIPUK Galina Warsaw (Poland)
  • FRUCHARD Augustin Mulhouse (France)
  • HARDOUIN Charlotte Toulouse (France)
  • HIROE Kazue Kyoto (Japan)
  • ITS Alexander Indianapolis (USA) to be confirmed
  • JOSHI Nalini Sydney (Australia)
  • KIMURA Hironobu Kumamoto (Japan)
  • KOIKE Tatsuya Kobe (Japan)
  • LISOVYY Oleg Tours (France)
  • LORAY Frank Rennes (France)
  • MAZZOCCO Marta Loughborough (UK)
  • NAKAMURA Akane Tokyo (Japan)
  • SABBAH Claude Palaiseau (France)
  • SAITO Masa-Hiko Kobe (Japan)
  • SAUZIN David Paris (France)
  • SIMPSON Carlos Nice (France)
  • SINGER Michael Raleigh (USA)
  • TAKEI Yoshitsugu Kyoto (Japan)
  • UMETA Yoko Sapporo (Japan)
  • WIBMER Michael Aachen (Germany)
  • YAMAKAWA Daisuke Osaka (Japan)

Site de la conférence


Dernière mise à jour le 8-04-2013"


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Master class : Around Torelli’s theorem for K3 surfaces

"Master class : Around Torelli’s theorem for K3 surfaces

IRMA, October 28 - November 1st, 2013


Aims and Scopes

The master classes are aimed at introducing (under)graduate students to current research areas in mathematics. The program is oriented to students that start or finish their master degree as well as to Ph.D. students. For previous master classes held in Strasbourg, see here.

The aim of this master class is to give a complete exposition of Torelli’s theorem for K3 surfaces and to present some applications of it. It will also include an introduction to hyperkähler manifolds and to the more recent version of Torelli’s theorem for hyperkähler manifolds due to Verbitsky.


-Samuel Boissière

-Christian Liedtke

-Christian Lehn, Gianluca Pacienza and Pierre Py

-Julien Grivaux

-Misha Verbitsky

In addition, "pre-courses" will be organised before the main lectures (on october 25th and 26th). See herefor details.


IRMA’s building is located in the main campus of Strasbourg University (see the map and the map) . The master classes will be held in the conference room of this building.

Financial support

Financial support for undergraduate and graduate students will be available. We should be able to cover the accomodation expenses, and maybe a limited number of travel expenses. We encourage all participants to seek financial support for travel from their home institutions. To register please send and email to masterclassk3 at gmail.com and if you are a student indicate one person of reference (thesis advisor for instance).

Organizers : C. Lehn, G. Pacienza, P. Py. The Master Classes are supported by the LABEX IRMIA.

Site web du site



1er novembre 2013


Misha Verbitsky - Moscou

Global Torelli theorem for hyperkähler manifolds

Dernière mise à jour le 22-08-2013"


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92e rencontre entre mathématiciens et physiciens théoriciens : Entropie en mathématiques et en physique

IRMA, 26-28 septembre 2013


"La 92e rencontre entre mathématiciens et physiciens théoriciens aura pour thème : Entropie en mathématiques et en physique.

The 92th Encounter between Mathematicians and Theoretical Physicists will take place at Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée (University of Strasbourg and CNRS) on September 26-28, 2013. The theme will be : "Entropy in Mathematics and in Physics".

Organizers : Nicolas Juillet and Athanase Papadopoulos

The speakers are :

- Gérard Besson (Grenoble) 
- Freddy Bouchet (Lyon) 
- Mauro Carfora (Pavie) 
- Djalil Chafaï (Paris) 
- Stéphane De Gérando (Paris) 
- Rémi Peyre (Nancy) 
- Anders Karlsson (Genève) 
- Christian Léonard (Nanterre) 
- Christian Maes (Leuven) 
- Gabriel Rivière (Lille) 
- Nessim Sibony (Orsay) 
- Karl-Theodor Sturm (Bonn) 
- Constantin Vernicos (Montpellier)

The talks will be in English. Some of the talks will be survey talks intended for a general audience.

Graduate students and young mathematicians are welcome. Registration is required (and free of charge) at this link. Hotel booking can be asked for through the registration link.

For practical and other questions please contact the organizers : 
- Nicolas Juillet : nicolas.juillet@math.unistra.fr 
- Athanase Papadopoulos : athanase.papadopoulos@math.unistra.fr

The following programm is still subjet to modification :



26 septembre 2013


Nessim Sibony - Orsay

Entropy in holomorphic dynamics.

The entropy of a dynamical system is a number measuring how much the system is chaotic. More precisely it measures the growth of the number of orbits one can distinguish before time n, at every scale. It is an important invariant at the center of the theory of dynamical systems.One of the goals is to construct an invariant measure on the most chaotic part, to study its geometry,and the rates of expansion-contraction (Lyapounov-exponents). The abstract theory is well estabished, Oseledec, Pesin...To decide wether it applies in concrete examples is another story, most of the time out of reach. I will first recall Bowen's definition of entropy. Then I will discuss the notion in the context of holomorphic or meromorphic maps between compact Kähler manifolds.In particular it's relation with dynamical degrees, which describe the average expansion. This is strongly related to works by Gromov and Yomdin. Complex dynamics is a remarkable case where entropies can be computed explicitly in many situations.Measures of maximal entropy can be constructed, although the systems are not uniformly hyperbolic in general. I will also develop a notion of entropy for laminations by hyperbolic Riemann surfaces. In that case, we use the hyperbolic time. The finiteness of entropy is related to the transverse Hölder continuity of the Poincaré metric. The theory can be extended to cover the case of singular foliations on complex surfaces. The lecture is based on Joint works with T.C Dinh and V.A. Nguyen.




Coffe break



Rémi Peyre - Nancy

Free energy functional in an optimal-transportation setting

We consider a toy model for gravitational spontaneous symmetry breaking: in this model, the distribution of matter evolves according to a first-order equation, with a short-range attractive force which tends to make matter collapse, versus a diffusion term which tends to homogeneize density. It can be shown that this evolution is tantamount to the gradient flow of the free energy (hence involving entropy) in some infinite-dimensional Riemannian manifold defined in terms of “optimal transportation”—all of that shall be explained in detail.

Hence our goal is to understand the behaviour of the free energy functional, in particular near the critical point (that is, when diffusion is just sufficient to prevent spontaneous symmetry breaking). We will show that the critical exponant of the activation energy is $(3-n/2)_+$, $n$ being the dimension of the space. This involves finding sharp estimates, both above and below (which is rather unusual), on the entropy of the system.







Anders Karlsson - Genève

A heat kernel approach to tree entropy

The number of spanning trees of graphs is an invariant of interest in electrical networks, statistical physics, theoretical chemistry and mathematics. I will discuss the asymptotics of the number of spanning trees in families of graphs, especially discrete tori. The constant in the lead term is called the tree entropy. This number as well as other constants in the asymptotics have interest in number theory: they are expressed in terms of certain Mahler measures, zeta functions, modular forms, and their special values. When there is a limiting continuous torus, its determinant of Laplacian appears. Based on joint work with G. Chinta and J. Jorgenson. I will also mention recent works by F. Friedli and J. Louis.




Coffe break



Christian Léonard - Nanterre




Dinner - restaurant "Le petit bois vert" (petite France quarter). We start from the math institute at 18:00.


27 septembre 2013


Karl-Theodor Sturm - Bonn




Coffe break



Freddy Bouchet - Lyon

Large deviations and averaging for stochastic partial differential equations describing atmosphere dynamics.

We consider the formation of large scale structures (zonal jets and vortices), in planetary atmosphere turbulence, within the barotropic quasi-geostrophic equations (the Ising model of geophysical turbulence). This model includes as a special case the 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations. We develop a theory based on tools of statistical physics (large deviations, averaging, kinetic theory) and field theory (instantons). We study the limit of a time scale separation between inertial dynamics on one hand, and the effect of forces and dissipation on the other hand. Using a kinetic theory approach, we prove that stochastic averaging can be performed explicitly in this problem, which is unusual in turbulent systems. It is then possible to integrate out all fast turbulent degrees of freedom, and to get explicitly an equation that describes the slow evolution of zonal jets. For some range of parameters, the dynamics has several attractors, with extremely rare and abrupt transition from one attractor to another. Using large deviation results, derived either from path integrals or from generalization of Freidlin--Wentzell theory, we compute the transition rates and transition trajectories between two attractors.







Stéphane De Gérando - Paris

Introduction au Labyrinthe du temps.

Exposé de 30 minutes.

Le labyrinthe du temps est à la fois une œuvre dynamique (``work in continuous progress") poly-artistique et technologique (image, son…) et un projet de recherche en cours de développement. Stéphane de Gérando présentera l'oeuvre ainsi que des pistes pour des collaborations possibles avec des mathématiciens, sur le thème de cette pensée labyrinthique, fragmentation de la mémoire jusqu’au seuil entropique d’une œuvre chaotique ou « décomposée ». 

Stéphane de Gérando, auteur du Labyrinthe du temps est compositeur. Il enseigne la composition et les nouvelles technologies au Conservatoire du XIXe arrondissement de Paris, docteur HDR, Premier Prix et 3eme Cycle de composition du CNSMDP, ancien directeur du CFMI de Strasbourg (département Arts de l'UdS) et du département musique du CEFEDEM d'Aquitaine.



Constantin Vernicos - Montpellier

Volume entropy of Hilbert geometries and approximability of convex bodies


Gabriel Rivière - Lille

Eigenmodes of the wave equation, chaotic dynamical systems and entropy.

We will discuss some properties of stationary solutions of the wave equation on a bounded euclidean domain (or more generally on a compact manifold). In other words, we will be concerned with the properties of the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian. Our main focus will be on domains for which the "free motion" of a particle (the geodesic flow) enjoys chaotic properties. We will explain how this chaotic feature influences the properties of the eigenfunctions in the high frequency limit. Finally, we will de! scribe some recent progresses have that been obtained on these questions thanks to the use of the so-called Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy.




Coffee break



Djalil Chafaï - Paris

Some probabilistic aspects of Boltzmann entropy.



Reception at the city hall of Strasbourg. We start at 18:00 from the place of the conference.


28 septembre 2013


Mauro Carfora - Pavia

The Ubiquitous Entropy : from Geometrical Enumeration to Quantum Field Theory

I will review the ubiquitous and somewhat unexpected role that
entropy plays in a number of geometrical and physical situations.



Gérard Besson - Grenoble






Coffee break



Christian Maes - Leuven

Nonequilibrium entropies

In contrast to the quite unique entropy concept useful for systems in (local) thermodynamic equilibrium, there is a variety of quite distinct nonequilibrium entropies, reflecting different physical points. We disentangle these entropies as they relate to heat, fluctuations, response, time-asymmetry, variational principles, monotonicity, volume contraction or statistical forces. However, not all of those extensions yield state quantities as understood thermodynamically. At the end we sketch how

aspects of dynamical activity can take over for obtaining an extended Clausius relation.

Dernière mise à jour le 6-09-2013"


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Saint-Louis : Un expert évoque le rôle des mathématiques appliquées dans la protection de l’environnement.

"Jeudi 5 Septembre 2013

Le professeur Daniel Le Roux a souligné, mercredi, le rôle des mathématiques appliquées dans la conservation de l’équilibre environnemental, en révélant l’utilité de cette science comme moyen de prévision et d’anticipation des crises liées à la nature. 

M. Le Roux, professeur à l’Université Claude Bernard de Lyon1, s’exprimait en marge des activités du Centre International des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA). Un séminaire qui s’est ouvert ce 02 septembre à l’Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis (UGB) regroupe..."

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Mathématiciens polycéphales


Terry Tao vient de l'annoncer sur son blog, très populaire parmi les mathématiciens : il est temps de rédiger et de publier le huitième polymath ! Il s'agit d'améliorer un résultat récent concernant la conjecture des nombres premiers jumeaux ("Science & médecine" du 26 juin). L'idée des projets polymath a été lancée il y a quatre ans par Tim Gowers dans un autre blog : encourager la"collaboration massive" de chercheurs en mathématiques, aboutissant (si possible) à la résolution "collective" de problèmes difficiles.

L'image d'Epinal du mathématicien solitaire, dont..."


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Recherche et téléchargement d’archives de revues mathématiques numérisées


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Le traité d'algèbre d'al-Khwārizmī : simple compilation des savoirs algébriques arabes ou traité novateur ?



Le traité d'algèbre d'al-Khwārizmī :
simple compilation des savoirs algébriques arabes ou traité novateur ?

Voir la video : 







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Équations et systèmes paraboliques : quelques questions nouvelles 2/2 - 18 janvier 2013


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Équations et systèmes paraboliques : quelques questions nouvelles 1/2



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Nombre 2_adiques et circuits


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Circuits et nombre 2-adiques , une nouvelle vision de l’échange temps-espace


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Date d'édition 1797 Introductio in analysin infinitorum / auctore Leonhardo Eulero . Editio nova. Euler, Leonhard.

Détails bibliographiques


Titre : Introductio in analysin infinitorum / ...

Éditeur : Lugduni: Apud Bernuset, Delamolliere, Falque & soc., 1797.

Date d'édition : 1797

Description :

Quarto. Two volumes. I: xvi, 320pp.; II: [2], 398, [1]pp. I: *4-**4, A4-Z4, Aa4-Rr4; II: []1, A4-Z4, Aa4-Zz4, Aaa4-Ddd4. Second edition. Contemporary boards, rebacked. With 16 plates at the end and a folding chart. Printing and the Mind of Man 196; Dictionary of Scientific Biography IV, 467-484, particularly 476-477; Bibl. Dt. Mus., Libri Rari 97; Poggendorff I, 690; Roller-Goodman I, 374; Brunet II, 1092; Cantor III, 676-697 & 772-791; DHBS III, 39, no. 1. N° de réf. du libraire 1065


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09:43 Publié dans Leonhard EULER | Lien permanent | Commentaires (2) | |  del.icio.us | | Digg! Digg |  Facebook

Livre de 1724 Exercitationes Quaedam Mathematicae. BERNOULLI, Daniel.

Détails bibliographiques


Titre : Exercitationes Quaedam Mathematicae.

Éditeur : Domenico Lovisa, Venice

Date d'édition : 1724

Edition : First edition

Description :

A fine copy, printed on thick paper, of Daniel Bernoulli’s first mathematical publication. "In 1724 Bernoulli published [with the help of Christian Goldbach] his Exercitationes mathematicae in Venice, which attracted so much attention that he was called to the St. Petersburg Academy [where he met with Leonhard Euler]. This treatise combined four separate works dealing, respectively, with the game of faro, the outflow of water from the openings of containers, Riccati’s differential equation, and the lunulae (figures bounded by two circular arcs). "The discussions on Jacopo Riccati’s differential equation were initiated in 1724 by the problem presented by Riccati in the Supplementa to the Acta eruditorum. . Bernoulli demonstrated that Riccati’s special differential equation axn dx + u2dx = b du could be integrated through separation of the variables for the values n = -4c/2c ± 1), where c takes on all integral values - positive, negative, and zero. . In the first part of the Exercitationes., dealing with faro, Bernoulli furnished data on recurrent series that later proved to have no practical application. . [but] was evidence of his early interest in the work on the theory of probability done by his predecessors Montmort and De Moivre, which had been nourished by discussions with his cousin Nikolaus I." (DSB). 4to: 260 x 190 mm. Contemporary vellum. Provenance: Engraved book plate of George Frederick Nott (1767 – 1841) to front paste down. Pp. 96 and 1 engaved plate. Printed on thick paper. A very fine and clean copy. N° de réf. du libraire 2379


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