Recent progress in the theory of Painlevé equations
Recent progress in the theory of Painlevé equations
IRMA, 4-8 November 2013
"This conference takes place in the framework of a French-Japanese joint project. The subject of Painlevé equations is the core of our project, which builds on five active research fields, all related to the Painlevé equations :
the Riemann-Hilbert problem, isomonodromic deformations moduli spaces of connections, rigid systems differential and difference Galois theory asymptotic analysis of Painlevé equations discrete Painlevé equations, applications to physics
One day of this conference will be held in honour of Claude Mitschi (IRMA Strasbourg). A second day of this conference will be dedicated to Reinhard Schäfke (IRMA Strasbourg) on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Invited speakers
- BOALCH Philip Paris (France)
- CASALE Guy Rennes (France) to be confirmed
- COREL Eduardo Göttingen (Germany)
- DUBROVIN Boris Triest (Italy) to be confirmed
- FILIPUK Galina Warsaw (Poland)
- FRUCHARD Augustin Mulhouse (France)
- HARDOUIN Charlotte Toulouse (France)
- HIROE Kazue Kyoto (Japan)
- ITS Alexander Indianapolis (USA) to be confirmed
- JOSHI Nalini Sydney (Australia)
- KIMURA Hironobu Kumamoto (Japan)
- KOIKE Tatsuya Kobe (Japan)
- LISOVYY Oleg Tours (France)
- LORAY Frank Rennes (France)
- MAZZOCCO Marta Loughborough (UK)
- NAKAMURA Akane Tokyo (Japan)
- SABBAH Claude Palaiseau (France)
- SAITO Masa-Hiko Kobe (Japan)
- SAUZIN David Paris (France)
- SIMPSON Carlos Nice (France)
- SINGER Michael Raleigh (USA)
- TAKEI Yoshitsugu Kyoto (Japan)
- UMETA Yoko Sapporo (Japan)
- WIBMER Michael Aachen (Germany)
- YAMAKAWA Daisuke Osaka (Japan)
Dernière mise à jour le 8-04-2013"
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