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Master class : Around Torelli’s theorem for K3 surfaces

"Master class : Around Torelli’s theorem for K3 surfaces

IRMA, October 28 - November 1st, 2013


Aims and Scopes

The master classes are aimed at introducing (under)graduate students to current research areas in mathematics. The program is oriented to students that start or finish their master degree as well as to Ph.D. students. For previous master classes held in Strasbourg, see here.

The aim of this master class is to give a complete exposition of Torelli’s theorem for K3 surfaces and to present some applications of it. It will also include an introduction to hyperkähler manifolds and to the more recent version of Torelli’s theorem for hyperkähler manifolds due to Verbitsky.


-Samuel Boissière

-Christian Liedtke

-Christian Lehn, Gianluca Pacienza and Pierre Py

-Julien Grivaux

-Misha Verbitsky

In addition, "pre-courses" will be organised before the main lectures (on october 25th and 26th). See herefor details.


IRMA’s building is located in the main campus of Strasbourg University (see the map and the map) . The master classes will be held in the conference room of this building.

Financial support

Financial support for undergraduate and graduate students will be available. We should be able to cover the accomodation expenses, and maybe a limited number of travel expenses. We encourage all participants to seek financial support for travel from their home institutions. To register please send and email to masterclassk3 at gmail.com and if you are a student indicate one person of reference (thesis advisor for instance).

Organizers : C. Lehn, G. Pacienza, P. Py. The Master Classes are supported by the LABEX IRMIA.

Site web du site



1er novembre 2013


Misha Verbitsky - Moscou

Global Torelli theorem for hyperkähler manifolds

Dernière mise à jour le 22-08-2013"


Source : 


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