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Séminaire le 28 novembre 2011 : Unication of Dynamic Density Functional Theory for Colloids

Unication of Dynamic Density Functional Theory for Colloids

Adeline Augier, Université Paris-Sud

Lundi 28 novembre 2011 à 11h00

We study the acoustic properties of a microstructured material such as glass wool or foam. In our model, the

solid matrix is governed by linear elasticity and the surrounding uid obeys Stokes equations. The microstructure

is assumed to be periodic at some small scale  and the viscosity coecient of the uid is assumed to be of order


. We consider the time-harmonic regime forced by vibrations applied on a part of the boundary. We use the

two-scale convergence theory to prove the convergence of the displacements to the solution of a homogeneous

problem as the size of the microstructure shrinks to 0. We conclude with some numerical results. The talk is based

on joint work with François Alouges, Benjamin Graille and Benoît Merlet.

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