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Discrete-Time Markov Chains YIN G.GEORGE, ZHANG QING en anglais (PDF). Paru en 01/2005

Discrete-Time Markov Chains

Discrete-Time Markov ChainsYIN G.GEORGE, ZHANG QING

  • en anglais (PDF). Paru en 01/2005
  • Disponibilité immédiate

    About this book

    This book focuses on the theory and applications of discrete-time two-time-scale Markov chains. Much effort in this book is devoted to designing system models arising from these applications, analyzing them via analytic and probabilistic techniques, and developing feasible computational algorithms so as to reduce the inherent complexity. This book presents results including asymptotic expansions of probability vectors, structural properties of occupation measures, exponential bounds, aggregation and decomposition and associated limit processes, and interface of discrete-time and continuous-time systems.&nbsp.,One of the salient features is that it contains a diverse range of applications on filtering, estimation, control, optimization, and Markov decision processes, and financial engineering. This book will be an important reference for researchers in the areas of applied probability, control theory, operations research, as well as for practitioners who use optimization techniques. Part of the book can also be used in a graduate course of applied probability, stochastic processes, and applications.

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