Calculus: Modeling and Application, 2nd Edition
Calculus: Modeling and Application, 2nd Edition, by David A. Smith and Lawrence C. Moore of Duke University, responds to advances in technology that permit the integration of text and student activities into a unified whole. In this approach, students can use mathematics to structure their understanding of and investigate questions in the world around them, to formulate problems and find solutions, then to communicate their results to others. This interactive textbook covers two semesters of single-variable calculus. Its features include use of real-world contexts for motivation, guided discovery learning, hands-on activities (including built-in applets), a problem-solving orientation, encouragement of teamwork, written responses to questions, tools for self-checking of results, intelligent use of technology, and high expectation of students. Calculus: Modeling and Application is available through License Agreement subscription. Schools that adopt the text will be charged each semester on a sliding scale based on the number of students expected to be using the text. CDs of the text, which schools can mount on their servers and/or replicate for their students, will be provided to adopters. The Firefox Browser, and MathML fonts, both free downloads, are needed to run the text. To order your subscription to the course, fill out our License Agreement and order form. Once both forms are filled out, fax them to the attention of Mary Anne Rice at: (301) 206-9789. You may also print out the license agreement and the order form and mail both to: MAA, PO Box 91112, Washington, DC 20090-1112. Source : http://calculuscourse.maa.org/Calculus: Modeling and Application, 2nd Edition
by David A. Smith and Lawrence C. Moore
For more information contact: Carol Baxter: cbaxter@maa.org, (202) 319-8479, or Mary Anne Rice at: 1-800-331-1622.
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